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Celebrating Canada Day: Food and Decor for your Backyard Party

Jennifer Pike

I can't believe it's already Canada Day on Sunday! This marks my favourite moth of the year...July! It's my favourite month for a few reasons. First- it's the warmest month of the year. If you know anything about where I live, 28 Celsius warrants a heat warning....haha....OMGersh right!! Second- I usually get to go on vacation somewhere. I try and go somewhere I can swim because pools are almost non-existent in my town. Third- I can go outside and walk around on those warm summer nights..... (but don't forget your bug spray, right?!).

Here's a quick short-form-quote of our national anthem framed and all pretty :). I just love our song and what it stands for. There are a bunch of free printables online that you can choose from. I thought it would be important to display this on Sunday when my family gathers together for food and fun!

Homesense had the most amazing decor for Canada Day this year! I could've bought everything in the store. From tea towels, to trays, to pillows, to glasses...they had it all! I picked up these cute tea towels an used them as a table cloth. It is much cheaper and you can layer them with other white table cloths you may have laying around.

These cute red-check picnic plates are the cutest for Canada Day! I already had some Rae Dunn around the house, so I added the mugs as straw and flower pot holders. This classic Canadian saying is the best, eh?!

"True North strong and freeeeeeeeeeeezing"- that's us haha! #sorrynotsorry

Okay... on to the best part about any party...the food!!! I had to go with a classic Canadian dish: poutine. Who wouldn't?

Melty mozzarella cheese curds throughout fries and is hands down the best! Not great for your waist line, but what a treat. We eat this stuff any time of year. It's comforting and gooey...what more could you ask for?

Since we are having a grill-party, I decided to go with the classic hot dog. Everyone loves them and they inexpensively feed a hungry crowd in no time at all. What do you like on your top-dog? Here I went simple adding ketchup, mustard and chopped onion. YUM!!!!

Isn't this pillow the cutest?!

Almost everything in the photos are from Homesense. It's my favourite store, what can I say!! So head over there today and stock up on all of your Canada Day decor items before they are sold out!

I hope you all have a great time celebrating Canada Day with your friends and family. I will leave you with 10 fun facts about Canada below. Have a great long weekend my friends!!!!! And don't forget to come see me on INSTAGRAM . --Jenn :)

1-Canada has 10 provinces and 3 Territories

Provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island.

Territories: North West Territories, Yukon, Nunavut.

2-Our Popular Word: Sorry

We apologize a lot. When someone bumps into us, we are the ones saying sorry. It seems to be a very common thing


Canada is really small compared to the US. We only have a population of 34 million while the US has 318 million people living in the nation.

4- Longest Coastline in the World

Did you know that Canada has the longest coastline in the world at 151,600 miles. (Scratch that, 243,976 km) we’re on the metric system.

5- Our Name

The name Canada derives from an Iroquoian word for "village," kanata.

6- 151 Years

The year 2018 marks the 151st celebration of Canada Day which commemorates the day that Canada became a nation.

7- Ain't That the Truth

Canada Day kicks off, what Canadians call, “those two months before winter starts”.

8-Did you Know?

-In 2013, the week following Canada Day was proclaimed Canada History Week. It’s designed to encourage Canadians to learn about and celebrate their history by visiting museums, talking to veterans and touring national historic sites.

9-Our Lakes

Canada has approximately three million lakes across the country. More than 30,000 of those lakes are larger than three square kilometers.

10- The Loonie

The Bank of Canada issued the last $1 bill in 1989. It was replaced by the one-dollar coin, known as the loonie, which came out in 198

O Canada!Our home and native land!True patriot love in all thy sons command

With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. French:

O Canada, terre de nos aieux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux. Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix. Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempée, Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.

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