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DIY Basket Chandelier and Mini Spring Tour

Jennifer Pike

Guys! I've been trying to get this diy basket light post out since last summer....hahaha! Oh my goodness, life is crazy sometimes, am I right!?! So, if you'll forgive me for taking a it is: my FAVORITE DIY to basket pendants and chandelier!!! If you want to instantly turn your home into a Pottery Barn catalog, then THIS is the diy for YOU!!!

Stay tuned at the end for a little spring tour!

I used a large hyacinth waste baskets from Bed Bath and Beyond for the pendants. Now, I got them last year, so these particular baskets only come in a bathroom set now....I'm so sorry! but any sturdy basket without handles will do. Click here to see the set.

And for the chandelier, I got these smaller FRIDFULL baskets from IKEA.

Remember my kitchen before it was painted? I don't like to lol. These are what the pendants looked like before I replaced them.

Here's a photo of the chandelier before.

Honestly, all my husband did was drill a large enough hole into the bottom of each basket that matched the hole in the frosted glass original casing. then we switched them out. We made sure that the light bulbs we put in were ones that were not hot to the touch when on. You don't want a fire on your hands. Consult a professional if you need expert advise. The drill bit can be purchased at any hardware store. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Done!

The transformation is crazy! I love it! As I said before, my favorite diy to date. I hope you'll try it out and love it too!

As promised here is a sneak peek into my home for spring!

Hope you enjoyed the mini tour! I've added lots of yellows and greens to bring that fresh feel. Easter is around the corner, so I want to wish all of you a safe and happy Easter weekend!! Enjoy your time with family and friends celebrating what Christ did for us! Muah! -Jenn xoxoxo

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